Welcome… Bienvenidos

Que Eye rhymes with, ¿Qué hay?, two words in Spanish that mean, What’s up? Get it? Que Eye. Put TV at the end and you get, “Que Eye TV. Pretty clever, huh? We use the word Eye because our eyes are our lens, the stories of the world are seen through us, our eyes.

We at “Que Eye TV” invite all colors and flags to our fantastic world of harmony and social change.

So here you are now at “Que Eye TV” and your question is… What’s up?
We are a digital platform that loves to learn, collaborate, and create compelling content focused on diversity and forward thinking through passionate storytelling both in English and Spanish. What makes us unique? No matter how simple or complicated the project is, we do it good.

Be it a Web-series, short film, feature, documentary, essay, article, blog, music, self help or how to video, we are committed to create and give opportunities to all talented individuals who in one way or another, have a story to tell. So let’s begin right now. Let’s have fun and enjoy the sweeter things diversity has to offer.

We are 100% sure the world would be a better place if we all understood that in our differences we are all the same. Are you in?